Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Drive Thu Difference

So, anyone who knows me knows how much I LOVE the station Star 99.1 FM!
I've been wanting to write about this for awhile now; and it just so happens that I am working from the couch today. My daughter, husband, and I all have horrible colds; because "sharing is caring" around here!

Anyway, one of my most favorite things on Star 99.1 FM, besides the amazing, uplifting; and safe for the little ears in my car music is called The Drive Thru Difference. We've actually taken part in this challenge many times; and each experience is so much fun! My children feel like "Super Ninjas"; because the idea is to give the person at the window the Drive Thru Difference Letter along with payment for the car behind you. My kids are right in a way, because you are paying without telling them who you are; and you simply just drive away.

There have been a few times where people have caught me; and we made some pretty cool new friends. However, nothing is better than looking in your rear view mirror and seeing someone read the letter and watch their face light up. Most people don't even know what hit them; and sometimes the line carries on with (I've heard on the radio) people buying up to 16 cars behind them!

I just know how much this brightens my day to take part in it. Today is a rainy, cold; and windy day in New Jersey....Maybe brighten someone's day with this challenge; and I promise it will 100% brighten yours!

Be Well and Be Blessed~

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Three Questions...

Each day, when I awake; I ask God three questions: "What is the season, what is the reason; and what is my lesson?". I then open my heart and mind up to the endless possibilities, simply by telling him "I am ready to learn". I have been faced with a lot in my life; and even just recently have gone through a trial that could very well have left me asking "why me?".

I feel that in all situations I should be thankful. In Romans 8:28 God reminds us "And we know that in all things God words for the good of those who love him. who have been called according to his purpose."
Philippians 4:6-7 tell us not to be "anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving; present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus". Easier said than done? Not necessarily...

If you decide that you are in charge of your own free will; you can also decide how you are going to handle certain situations. So ask your higher power the following three questions:

  • What is the season - What part of my life am I in, do I want to stay stagnant or do I want to move forward with confidence and with the respect that I deserve?
  • What is the reason - Why is this happening to me? Why not? Try to see if there is something you maybe could word differently to the person or in the situation you are in conflict with. Try to see if you yourself could have had a different reaction that would make it benefit everyone's highest good.
  • What is my lesson - There are so many life lessons to learn; and I truly believe that even after we are gone from this life, we continue to learn. You really can learn something new each day. If you are truly open to the lessons that your higher power has for you; you will see that in any and all situations; you won't have to understand the "whys" you will just know in your heart that it is all worth it in the bigger picture.
After you honestly ask these questions; you must be willing to see and receive whatever answer you are given. Keep in mind, it may not be the answer you want to hear; but if you are asking with thanksgiving to all situations, you will always find what you need (just like the Rolling Stones tell us).

I am going to close with two pictures that have truly encouraged me this week. I hope it also encourages you.

Be Well and Be Blessed~

Monday, April 7, 2014

A Few Thoughts of The Day!

I saw this picture today; and I thought I would share it. I encourage you all to try and come up with your own. I am working on a lot right now; but I will post mine when I do my own.
Be Well and Be Blessed!

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Coming Soon!

So, I've been having a lot of problems getting the site up and running. Please bear with me as I work with Blogger to figure out all the glitches.

If you would like to schedule any of the following:

  • Life Path Chart
  • Angel or Other Card Reading
  • Reiki Session
Please contact me at:
(732)505-0495 [please make sure to leave your name, number, and best time to reach you]

I will be posting the Spring and Summer Reiki Class schedules as soon as everything is all worked out with Blogger. 

Thank you so much for your patience during this time.
Be Well and Be Blessed,