
Reiki is a Japanese technique that is used to reduce stress and help restore balance to your body. Many say that the characters Rei and Ki stand for "Universal Life Force Energy". Since the Japanese language is so complex; a lot can get lost in translation to the English language. For instance,William Lee Rand explains "As an example, Rei is often defined as ghost and Ki as vapor and while these words vaguely point in the direction of meaning we seek, they fall far short of the understanding that is needed.".

Although Reiki never was or will be considered a form of religion; one of the best ways to describe Reiki is what Christians would call "laying of hands". 

My foundation for Reiki is built on the word of God. In Luke 9:1,2 God actually called his 12 disciples together, giving them the authority over evil; and to cure diseases. "He sent them out to proclaim the kingdom of God and to heal the sick." 

God has graced me with many gifts. While I will never claim to be a healer; I believe that God uses His children, and their gifts as a conduit for healing. It is God that deserves and always receives all the glory.

Frequently Asked Questions

"What does Reiki feel like? Does Reiki hurt?"
   - Every client is different. We all heal at different paces; and releases vary in the same way. People who I've had a session with, tell me that they feel warmth in the areas I am working on. Some people see colors, feel at peace, or envision things. Others feel a tingling sensation. There have even been clients who said they really didn't feel anything during their session; but will call a day or so later to explain how it has helped them. 
    There are clients that have what we call "releases" during a session. I've seen various reactions that range from laughter to crying. 
    Reiki does not hurt. In fact, while working on a client; it is very rare for the practitioner to even touch the client. When I describe Reiki, I often use the term "Energy Exchange." I am actually connecting to my client; in order for the energy and light to go where it is needed.

"If I am coming to you regularly can I stop seeing my doctor?"
   -I never recommend that any of my clients stop seeking traditional medical attention or advice. I receive Reiki and still take medications that are needed on a daily basis for my heart and other conditions that I have. I will say that while Reiki and other natural health solutions help tremendously toward my goals; it doesn't replace my doctor's advice in any way. My doctors are aware that I am a practitioner and even a Reiki client; and this has become part of our treatment plan for my own path toward a healthier lifestyle.
Even clients that I consult with nutritionally will not be using anything I recommend to replace their current healthcare plan. Natural Health Solutions are meant to enhance your traditional form of treatment. I am a certified practitioner; but I am not a licensed physician in any way.

"I don't belong to a church or organized religion. Can I still come to you?"
   -Yes! As I said, Reiki has never or will never be intended as a form of religion. It is a method used for stress release; and self healing.

"I don't believe that God is my higher power. Will I still be able to have you as my Master Teacher?"
  -Absolutely! For me, God will always be my source of energy; and my higher power. However, I chose to Co-Exist (and I don't mean the bumper sticker). There are a few main requirements for becoming one of my students:
  1. You must choose to only work "now and forever in the light"
  2. You must always choose the path that leads to your own highest good and the highest good of all who you come into contact with.
  3. Even after you become a Master; you must always be willing to continue learning.
I promise to always respect and never judge whatever it is that you believe in. In return, I only ask for the same respect you are shown. To me, that is the only way to truly "Co-Exist".

Although Reiki can be learned by anyone; mastering the energy is not for the weak. With a lot of hard work, focus, and determination; you will learn how to make Reiki your own. In my personal journey to becoming a Master Teacher; I had to face a lot of challenges and work extensively on self-examination/healing. 

For more information or to schedule your Reiki session visit:

If you are interested in becoming a Reiki Practitioner, Master, or Master Teacher visit:

**Reiki Class Schedule is coming soon**

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