So I found this quote from Paulo Coelho today; and I wanted to share it. For me personally; the past three or so weeks of my life have been a struggle. In our home, the saying holds true that "when it rains it pours".
The funny thing about life is that we are given the free will to choose what we do with it.
Sure I wanted to stay in bed every day and be invisible at some points; but I have two children who have special needs, and a husband who needs me. So, How is it possible to deal with everything unraveling?
Another quote I found reads "When something bad happens; you have three choices. You can either let it define you, Let it destroy you; or you can let it strengthen you"
Well, since I am the only person who can truly define me (other than God who always knows my heart)...I figure I have that one in the bag. So, I moved on......
I can let all of this destroy me. However, only I hold the power in my free will to destroy myself. Since I am not really big into demolishing things, and only having one more choice; I reluctantly moved on....
First, I found strength in God's word, He tells me in Matthew 19:26 that with Him all things are possible. My head understood that; but it wasn't healing my heart from a lot that had been testing and poking at me. Then I realized, He is my foundation, My Root, AND my Center.
If you know me, by now you are aware of my foundation, where my Reiki Energy comes from; and how I live my life. Once again, I am here to say that you don't have to believe in what my truth is. I respectfully will always tell you that for me there just is no other way; but God. That being said....Here is what I've learned over the past few weeks:
- If we remain rooted and makes it that much harder for any negativity to not only reach us...It just has no place to exist.
- If we continue to speak our truths knowing that it is for the highest good of all involved; once again, negativity cannot exist.
- If we trust that our knowledge is coming from the light; it will most certainly trump the darkness.
- You truly "never know how strong you are, until being strong is the only choice you have left"
Sure I still have things being flung at me; because such is life. It just a matter of what our next move will be. I encourage you to find your inner strength this week, ground yourself in it, stand firm in it; and share your courage with others.
One more quote: "
Stay strong my friends!
Be Well and Be Blessed~