Monday, August 31, 2015


No matter what you are facing....Health Issues, Relationship Troubles; or just Life in general trying to kick you while you are down....GET UP!!!

You are going to be faced with so many different obstacle courses in life, but I promise if you don't allow it to stop you; YOU WILL WIN!

In my own life, I've recently been going through one of the hardest struggles I've yet to face (and believe me, if you know me, we've had our fair share).

Today, I woke up and I realized...I AM in control of my own destiny! God has the master plan; but I have the choice. I choose to JUST KEEP SWIMMING!!!

If you come to a mountain, no matter how scared you are to confront it,
ask God to help you; and  TELL IT TO MOVE!!!
I always explain that God is my higher power. Even if God is not your higher power, you still have one. Just as long as your higher power is working toward your highest and best good; then I promise you are on the right path!!

Stay strong my friends.

Be Well and Be Blessed!

Friday, February 6, 2015

I am not the best at posting!

Hello There and Happiest of New Years!

I will admit that I am the absolute worst when it comes to posting updates; and I apologize for this. I am sure I've shared the following quote a time or two; but I live by this.....

Now, I never said that I am proud to live by this quote. However, those of you who know me personally completely get my life; and all the craziness that I wouldn't trade for anything in this world!

That being said, I am sorry for being so scarce when it comes to posting updates. Thank you so so much for everyone who has been a tremendous support to us during our own health woes. Also, a huge thanks to everyone who has reached out with their amazing questions, and for sharing their stories of the many other "journeys to wellness" out there. I am hoping that one day I will actually have a tab on here to share some of the wonderful things I've received.

I am looking at my time; and I am positive I will hear "Eaaaaat now" from my daughter any minute now. So, I will leave you with some wonderful advice I've actually been working on during my own daily schedule.

Be Well and Be Blessed!
