Monday, September 15, 2014

What about Limu??

I've been asked by a few different people now, how Limu is working out for us. I'm so excited that people want to know more about it; because it has truly helped our family. I've started a blog (and am working real hard on getting all of our stories up on it) called Our Limu Journey. I will share my story along with the children's. I am also looking to see other's stories good or bad; because I believe if you've had a hard time, and didn't want to stick with it #1 I can convince you to try again and with good results; or #2 I may be able to help you find exactly what would work for your individual needs.

I don't often talk about Limu that much. It's not a good thing, because unfortunately you can actually find more of the bad reviews faster than you will find good about Limu. I'd like to think that is because Limu works so well that we are all too busy living life to bad mouth it.  Another reason I don't really talk about Limu is because I also affiliated with another company that is just as amazing; and it truly does offer more products, so I find myself super busy with those clients who just couldn't continue Limu (for whatever reason); and needed help feeling well.

Please, if Limu wasn't effective; do not give up hope. There are so many natural health solutions out there. Who knows, maybe you just need to supplement something to enhance your Limu experience; and that is where I come in.

Before you throw in the towel, contact me for a free health analysis. I can work with you whether it be Limu or other supplements; and I promise that you could recover from whatever it is that you are struggling with. I promise that you can also feel so much better. It just takes some patients, some commitment on your part to want to feel better; and support that I would love to give you along the way.

I want to thank everyone who has reached out to me in one way or another; and I am really trying to answer everyone as soon as I can. If you already know me, then you know my motto: "family first". You also may know that both of my children have special needs; so that within itself is a FULL - full time job!

I hope everyone is getting back to their school routines on happy and healthy notes. We actually just had a well visit for both children today; and developmental pediatrician tomorrow. Everyone, so far is blown away by both children's progress going as natural as we possibly can (our daughter is still on medication for her epilepsy; however, it has been reduced since she's been on Limu and Sunshine Heroes).

As always, if you have any questions or just want to chat about your options; please never hesitate to contact me.

Be Well and Be Blessed!


1 comment:

  1. I read back on this; and yes....the ONE product was amazing. However, you will never EVER find the service, support or quality that Nature's Sunshine has to offer.
    It makes me so sad that this one product is the only thing they have going for them; and that if you ever decided to become a promoter, you would have to either be rich to begin with or sell yourself to pressuring people to continue buying Limu so you "MIGHT" get a free bottle for yourself. Tisk tisk Limu- poor form :(
