Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Some Fruit For Thought

So I found this quote from Paulo Coelho today; and I wanted to share it. For me personally; the past three or so weeks of my life have been a struggle. In our home, the saying holds true that "when it rains it pours".

The funny thing about life is that we are given the free will to choose what we do with it. 

Sure I wanted to stay in bed every day and be invisible at some points; but I have two children who have special needs, and a husband who needs me. So, How is it possible to deal with everything unraveling? 

Another quote I found reads "When something bad happens; you have three choices. You can either let it define you, Let it destroy you; or you can let it strengthen you"

Well, since I am the only person who can truly define me (other than God who always knows my heart)...I figure I have that one in the bag. So, I moved on......
I can let all of this destroy me. However, only I hold the power in my free will to destroy myself. Since I am not really big into demolishing things, and only having one more choice; I reluctantly moved on....

First, I found strength in God's word, He tells me in Matthew 19:26 that with Him all things are possible. My head understood that; but it wasn't healing my heart from a lot that had been testing and poking at me. Then I realized, He is my foundation, My Root, AND my Center. 

If you know me, by now you are aware of my foundation, where my Reiki Energy comes from; and how I live my life. Once again, I am here to say that you don't have to believe in what my truth is. I respectfully will always tell you that for me there just is no other way; but God. That being said....Here is what I've learned over the past few weeks:

  • If we remain rooted and makes it that much harder for any negativity to not only reach us...It just has no place to exist.
  • If we continue to speak our truths knowing that it is for the highest good of all involved; once again, negativity cannot exist.
  • If we trust that our knowledge is coming from the light; it will most certainly trump the darkness.
  • You truly "never know how strong you are, until being strong is the only choice you have left"
I am still struggling with a lot and carrying an overflowing plate. However, the only difference with this week is that I began it in prayer and constant meditation. I have rooted myself in His word; and grounded myself firmly into my foundation.

Sure I still have things being flung at me; because such is life. It just a matter of what our next move will be. I encourage you to find your inner strength this week, ground yourself in it, stand firm in it; and share your courage with others.

One more quote:  "

Stay strong my friends!

Be Well and Be Blessed~

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Tea Tree Oil for Dandruff??

I was on social media tonight; and saw a post asking which shampoo was best for dandruff. I immediately said anything with Tea Tree Oil; and offered an actual recipe that I find gets the job done every time. I used to suffer every winter with dandruff or dry and itchiness. Being a licensed cosmetologist, but liking to keep it as natural as possible; I am always up for the challenge of creating something useful.
 Once I found a few recipes I liked, and tweaked it to what I love, I still have that initial onset; but after a week, I don't deal with dandruff at all!

So....seeing as how I love to keep things as natural as possible; I just had to share how I make mine.

Just a few words of wisdom before I share my recipe:

  1. Never ever put Tea Tree Oil directly on your scalp. Do not listen to anyone who tells you to do this. The oils I use are so pure that they can actually create a reaction. If you feel you want to bypass making the whole shampoo please hear me when I say DILUTE!!! You can use goat's milk and even just purified or distilled water; but trust me when I say want to always dilute (this pretty much is my motto with any essential oil).
  2. Stick to the recipe! I know what I am doing with my oils and it took awhile to learn it. You do not want to just experiment; because not only will it waste your money, but it wastes the oils. A little goes a very long way.
  3. Try to keep it as natural as possible. When I make my shampoos or soaps I like to use Dr. Bronner's. Not only is it reasonably priced; it is the best as far as I am concerned. One thing to remember with this is that if you are using anything other than Unscented Baby-Mild Castile (which is what I always recommend as the Castile soap used)...Pay attention to what is in it. Dr. Bronner makes a Tea Tree  that I often use when I don't feel like mixing up my own; along with some other scents.
    You need to understand... If you go and add Tea Tree or any other Essential Oil to something that already uses that as an ingredient....I am sure you can guess that it won't turn out to be the best situation you've faced.
  4. Don't be in a rush- I usually recommend that you let the shampoo sit as long as you are comfortable (some people feel anything from tingling to actual burning)...You don't want your scalp to feel like it's on fire; but the longer you can keep it on the better it will work.
  5. You can add drops of Essential Oils to your normal shampoo; but I actually don't recommend that. I feel that if it has dyes or perfumes in it already (and especially most shampoos still have sulfate in them); you don't want to go adding much more to that. Believe me, it isn't pretty; I've had to recondition some people who just think I am making this up.
So....I think that's all the wisdom I have for now. Here is my recipe:

Homemade Tea Tree Oil Shampoo:
     Here is what you will need:
  • 1/4 Cup Distilled (or purified) Water
  • 1/4 Cup of Liquid Castile Soap (Dr. Bronner's; you can click on the link or find it in most local stores)
  • 10 Drops of Tea Tree Essential Oil
  • 1/4 tsp. Message Oil (I use NS Message Oil because the original recipe calls for Apricot Kernel Oil-NS Message Oil contains Apricot kernel oil, sweet almond oil, hazelnut oil, borage oil and vitamin E I find that this oil has proven to moisturize way more than just Apricot Kernel alone.
  • Glass Bowl- I always recommend glass when working with oils because they will bleed into plastic; and I never like using metal. I find that everything just comes out better in glass (just a preference).
  • Wooden Spoon (preferably one you are not looking to use other than mixing your shampoos-again, the oils are pretty potent).
  • Glass Jar- this will hold your finished shampoo (I recommend that this be something airtight if possible; but dark like this Amber Bottle ) This will help your mixture to hold it's strength.
Once you have all your ingredients you want to mix it all gently into your glass bowl (avoid making it sudsy). 
Then you will pour it into your Amber Bottle 
The original recipe tells you to use this like you would your normal shampoo. However, I find that I only need to use it for a week and I see immediate results. (everyone is different; so just make it work for you). are going to want to leave the mixture on for as long as you can. You don't want it to burn; but the tingling means it working its magic!

***If you feel that it is easier to add 10 drops of the Tea Tree Oil to a conditioner....I recommend that you use Lavender Coconut Hair Cr`eme- by Dr. Bronner ***

Best of luck with this; and I am so excited to tell you that I will be hosting an Essential Oil event soon in my area; where you may be able to choose this very recipe to make and take home with you!

Please feel free to share this recipe; and I would love it if you can link to me! Also, feel free to share how it worked for you. I've heard this recipe has also worked on lice. However, I had to take that person's word for it; because thank God I never had to actually ever deal with that in our home.

So try it, share it; and let me know! Thanks so much for stopping by.

Be Well and Be Blessed

***Please Note: I am not affiliated with Dr. Bronner's company in any way.
I just believe in everything they stand for.
They are organic,certified fair trade, never tested on animals, non GMO, and vegan.
It's just a bunch of great products, with great prices; that I totally stand by!***

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

NEW Nature's Sunshine Website Update!!

Yay! So, I visited my NaturalHealthForU Site (a part of Nature's Sunshine) today; and it seems that the bugs have been worked out!

Still, I just wanted to let you all know...If you need help deciding what to order; or have never had a health analysis done; I would be more than happy to hear from you.

I am very excited to begin using some of the Essential Oils during my sessions; and will also be setting up a workshop to explain how oils are very beneficial in the healing process. During the workshop I will also share some recipes and we will make our own combination for you to take home!

There are a lot of wonderful things in store for summer. I am so excited to share it all with you!

Thank you for stopping by.

Be Well and Be Blessed~

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Nature's Sunshine Website Update

There have been some issues with all Nature's Sunshine Independent Distributor's websites. I have been assured that they are really working hard on making your shopping experience amazing. On that note...

If you visit my site Natural Health For U and are having issues placing an order; please don't hesitate to contact me directly. 

You can either call me: (732) 505-0495 
or send me a quick email with your name, number, and best time to reach you -

I would also love to discuss the opportunity to become a member of Nature's Sunshine. There are countless benefits to becoming a member. Nature's Sunshine doesn't place you in a position where you are required to sell anything. Becoming a member simply allows you to purchase your products at a lower rate and even earn the products you personally use for free; if you place an order for your family and friends. It truly has been a blessing to our family.

I will be posting more about the Nature's Sunshine products that I use; as well as products that are helping our entire family's individual needs.

While you are here; please check out the rest of my site, send me feedback; and even subscribe! 

Thank you so much for visiting today. 
Be Well and Be Blessed