Thursday, August 28, 2014

Natural Alternatives To RX Drugs For ADHD, Autism, and Aspergers

If you've met me, then chances are you've met my children. Some of you have met me at an event for Children's Specialized Hospital where I am an AdvoMom. There is also a chance you've just met us out and about.
Anyone who has met me before knows that we are very open about our family; and especially about our children. Both of my children are on the "Spectrum". However, we've been told we are a rare case; because one of my children is more severe than the other. For us, we are just who we are (spectrum and all).
Another thing that most people find rare (and I have no idea why); is the fact that we do whatever we can to stay away from traditional medications with our children. In this day and age, I feel that medication is thrown at so many people as a quick fix to what we as parents have to deal with (especially for parents who have children with special needs). If our children have a little more energy than what is considered typical; we are given and RX for things like Resperidone or other drugs that carry more risks than benefits.
So, we being the family that pretty much hates side effects and likes a more "natural" approach, you may have guessed by now; I will do anything to make sure that we exhaust every other outlet possible before placing my children on prescription medication. That being said, do we use any prescriptions with our children? The answer to that is yes. For example, our daughter has Focal Epilepsy and needs a prescription medication to control her seizures. Other than that; we are natural in our approach to both children's diagnosis.
Today, we went to Dorbrook Recreation Area and I had the privilege of meeting two parents of two very amazing boys. They recognized that I was signing with my daughter; and suspected she may also have special needs. As it turns out, my kids had a lot in common with their children; and we started to discuss some of the ways we tackle daily life. Of course, I am all about sharing when it comes to learning new things and especially if I am able to shed some light on a more natural approach. I'd like to share with you a little bit of what we talked about; and what we use for our children.
The parents that I spoke with today explained that they use Fish Oil as part of a complimentary treatment for children who are on the spectrum. I know how wonderful fish oil can be; but we seem to always run into the sensory issues with supplements, and ultimately wind up with half of the supplement spit out at us or all together smacked out of our hands. That is until we tried Nature's Sunshine Sunshine Heroes Ome-3 with DHA! I can go on forever about how awesome these are; but for the sake of not turning this post into a novel....let's just say they are "Kid Approved" in our home which if you know us; this is a huge thing. 
I post links to the companies that I am affiliated with at the bottom of this site; but I never really have gotten into how these companies have changed so much for our family. There has been a lot going on in our lives; but I promise to tackle each company and explain how they have helped in our lives not only where it counts the most (our children); but financially as well.

Stay tuned!!! I promise it'll be worth it.

Be Well and Be Blessed,

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